राजस्थान के लाडनूं शहर से प्रकाशित समाचार पत्र कलम कला की ओर से लाडनूं-न्यूज: कलम कला शीर्षक से क्षेत्रीय समाचारों और विचारों से समाहित इटरनेट पर यह प्रस्तुतिकरण दिया जा रहा है। आप कलम कला को पढकर, अपने दोस्तों को बताकर, अपनी टिप्पणियां दर्ज करवाकर, अपने समाचार आदि हमारे ई-मेल पर भेजकर और कलम कला समाचार पत्र मंगवाकर हमारे सहयोगी बन सकते हैं।- SUMITRA ARYA, EDITOR, LADNUN. Email- kalamkala@gmail.com
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शुक्रवार, 13 मई 2011
Digambar Jain Bara Mandir Ladnun (Rajasthan)
Location: Digambar Jain Bara Mandir is situated in the heart of Ladnun town, dist. Nagur, Rajasthan. Ladnun town is connected by rail via Delhi-Jodhpur railway rail route. This town is connected by road to most of major cities of Rajasthan. Ladnu is an ancient and historical town.
The Digambar Jain Bara Mandir is a magnificent temple houses several artistic and rare idols of Jain Thirthankara, beautiful images, engraved pillars, rare pieces of art and old jaina dharma manuscripts.
The sixteenth tirthankar Bhagwan Santinath idol is established on the main Vedi. The beautiful and matchless idol of Bhagwan Santnathji is made of marble with a dimension of 94x70 cm. In front of the idol there is a rare piece of artistic door ( Toran-dwar) placed on two marble pillars. On the two pillars, two artful and rare images of godless Sarswati are engraved. There is an inception found on the door which indicate that the temple is build on Ashad Sukla 8, Sanwat 1136. This writing indicate that the temple is more than 1000 years old.
In the second vedica chamber, there is an idol of second Thirthankar Bhagwan Ajitnathji. This idol is 74x60 cm in dimension and made of marble. An inscription found on the the idol written Baisak Sukla 13, Smawat 1209. In front of Baghwan Ajitnathji idol there is also a marble door with two pillars. The two pillars are decorated with artistic Jaina images.
In the art gallary there are 166 marble an idol of Bhwan Risbhadeva made of brown stone, and two idols of Bhagwan Paesvanatn with nine headed serpents.
An beautiful image of Bhagwan Neminathji is also found in the art gallery. Several other images made of metals are found in digging in the nearby areas of Ladnun are placed in this art gallery.
This temple is built and repaired several times but its magnificence, beauty, purity and calmness is preserved through ages.
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